Regular dental cleanings are an important part of oral health, but sometimes more extensive cleaning is necessary. Dental deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a procedure that can help address more serious oral hygiene issues. If you’re considering dental deep cleaning, here’s what you need to know.



Scaling and root planing, another name for deep dental cleaning, uses specialized methods to remove bacteria, tartar, and plaque from your tooth roots down to the gum line. This stops gum disease from spreading and taking away teeth.

Deep teeth cleaning procedures can reduce gum inflammation and enhance gum health by removing plaque and tartar accumulated on your teeth.

A deep cleaning process is comparable to the six-monthly teeth cleaning you get from your family dentist. This technique is essential to preserving a healthy, happy mouth if you have periodontal disease or are prone to developing it.



The purpose of having your teeth cleaned is to preserve healthy gums. Small, shallow gaps exist between the gums and teeth. Regular cleanings are advised for people who already have good oral hygiene and do not have bone loss, gum retraction, bleeding gums, or disease.

But if you experience this symptom, it’s time to talk to your dentist and get a deep dental cleaning. Here are the benefits of deep cleaning:

  •         It prevents periodontal disease from progressing. Your gum infection cannot move in stages if there is no plaque or tartar below your gum line.
  •         It serves as an Aid in treating the current infection. You can quickly resume your dental hygiene routine after a deep cleaning to aid your gum disease therapy.


  •         It encourages healing. Your gums will be able to gradually reattach to your tooth roots without tartar because the germs in them are pretty irritating.
  •         It also reduces bad breath. Plaque is a gooey substance that builds up on teeth after food and saliva interact. It might contain bacteria that encourage cavities and terrible breath.
  •         Protect Your Jawbones and Roots. The armor of your gums shields your roots and jawbone! When your gums are damaged, they’ll begin to fall off, showing your roots and possibly harming your jawbones.



No matter what you go through, everyone develops some plaque, but you must understand that a thorough cleaning is not always the best option for everybody. Apply deep cleanings in the following circumstances:

  •         Deep Pockets – if the distance between your gums and teeth is greater than 4 mm.
  •         Professional cleanings haven’t been maintained – If you haven’t been keeping a committed dental program that includes committed, regular professional cleaning at least twice a year.

If you’re asking yourself whether you need one, you won’t know for sure unless you ask your dentist or dental hygienist. You are at risk for or experiencing the early stages of periodontal disease if a dental examination reveals substantial pockets, defined as 4 mm or larger.

You are now a candidate for the therapy, which entails thoroughly cleaning your teeth, and it is strongly advised if you wish to halt and stop the disease’s development. If left untreated, the bacteria that caused your gums to develop pockets would continue to produce plaque, tartar, and potentially bone thinning.

If you’re still wondering if a deep dental cleaning is for you, you may consider the following:

  • Your gums may display symptoms of gingivitis, including red, swollen gums that bleed readily when handled or when brushing if you have a genetic tendency to gum disease. This can cause periodontal disease, an inflammation of the bone and gums supporting your teeth that eventually result in tooth loss if ignored.


  • X-rays and pocket depth charting are used to establish whether the infection is present. In order to prevent and lessen the disease from progressing, a deep cleaning is necessary when there are indications of this infection.

Find a dentist in your area immediately to check your gums and perform a complete evaluation if you are experiencing sensitivity, bleeding gums, or discomfort before things worsen. In addition to compromising your smile, an infected tooth increases your risk of developing heart disease, abscesses, and other severe conditions.



The dental deep cleaning treatment procedure is a low-risk operation for most people. However, if you have a compromised immune system, cardiac issues, or artificial body parts, you might be more vulnerable to catching an infection from the bacteria in your mouth.

Occasionally oral bacteria get into your bloodstream. If your immune system is in a high-risk group, your dentist could advise taking antibiotics before and after the treatment.

Deep cleaning poses risks even though it can cure gum disease. The following are additional medical risks related to the dental deep cleaning treatment procedure:


  1. Discomfort after an operation

After your scaling and root planing operation, it is normal to experience slight soreness or throbbing. After the surgery, this usually goes away within a few hours, and within three days, the discomfort experienced while brushing should be significantly reduced.

  1. Tooth Sensitivity

After your surgery, it’s very usual to experience sensitivity to hot or cold food or beverages, as well as to sweets. The sensitivity might last for about two to three days.

  1. Bleeding

Patients frequently suffer minor bleeding during brushing, but this might stop in two to three days

  1. Aesthetics

You might notice that there is far more space between your teeth now that the root areas are more visible.

  1. Fever

Although it is rare, some individuals may experience chills and a low-grade fever after receiving scaling and root planing. When you experience agitation, drink plenty of water and take Tylenol to lower your fever.

  1. Jaw discomfort

Although it is rare, individuals occasionally complain of earaches, headaches, or jaw pain. Most of the time, over-the-counter painkillers will make this pain go away, but if it doesn’t, let your dentist know at your subsequent appointment.

The most frequent negative consequences include discomfort and sensitivity. Deep cleaning risks are typically minor and only last for around 5 to 7 days, though in extreme circumstances, they may last for many weeks.


If you need further assistance regarding your dental issues and oral concerns, visit our website or call our service hotline to schedule an appointment. Here at Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are committed to making your oral health a top priority. Our professional team of dentists will help you regain and maintain your happy mouth and smile. Visit us today!