Congratulations on completing your root canal treatment at Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry! This comprehensive guide is designed to assist you through your recovery process, ensuring optimal healing and comfort.

Immediate Post-Operative Care

Rest and Relaxation: Take it easy for the rest of the day following your treatment. Avoid strenuous activities to reduce swelling and discomfort.

Managing Pain: Some tenderness and discomfort are normal after a root canal. Over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications should be taken as directed.

Eating Habits: Until the numbness wears off, avoid eating to prevent biting your cheek or tongue. Start with soft foods and gradually return to your normal diet.

Oral Hygiene: Gently brush and floss your teeth, avoiding the treated area for the first few days. Resume normal oral care as soon as you’re comfortable.

Understanding the Healing Process

Tissue Healing: The tissues around your treated tooth will need time to heal. Mild soreness for a few days is common.

Swelling Management: Apply a cold compress to the cheek area in 15-minute intervals if you experience swelling.

Protecting the Tooth: If your root canal therapy was completed with a temporary filling, be careful with the treated tooth until it’s permanently restored.

Follow-Up and Permanent Restoration

Follow-Up Visits: Ensure you return for any necessary follow-up appointments. This allows us to monitor your healing and place a permanent restoration, like a crown, on the treated tooth.

Crown Placement: A permanent crown is often needed to protect the tooth post-root canal. Adhere to care instructions for your temporary crown and schedule your permanent crown placement promptly.

Long-Term Care and Maintenance

Good Oral Hygiene: Continue with your regular brushing and flossing routine, paying special attention to the treated area to prevent decay or infection.

Regular Dental Check-Ups: Maintain your routine dental visits for cleaning and check-ups to monitor the health of your treated tooth and overall oral health.

Mindful Eating: Initially, chew on the opposite side of the treated tooth to protect it, especially if you have a temporary filling or crown.

Avoiding Hard Foods: Even after full recovery, be cautious with hard or sticky foods to protect your tooth and its restoration.

Common Post-Root Canal Concerns

Discomfort Duration: Some discomfort and sensitivity are normal for a few days. This should steadily improve, not worsen.

Tooth Care: Treat your root canal-treated tooth with the same care as your other teeth, but be gentle initially if there is tenderness.

Signs of Complications: Persistent pain, swelling, or a reaction to the medication warrants immediate contact with our office.

Should you experience severe pain, significant swelling, or an allergic reaction to medication, contact Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry immediately. We are here to address any urgent concerns during your recovery.

Ensuring a Smooth and Successful Healing Journey – Call Us Today! 

Your adherence to these post-operative instructions is crucial for a successful recovery following your root canal therapy. At Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are committed to your health and comfort during this healing phase. Remember, each patient’s experience can differ, and we encourage open communication about any concerns or questions you may have.