Congratulations, you made it through your full mouth reconstruction procedure! Now that the hard part is over, it’s time to focus on taking care of yourself during the important post-operative period. 

As experienced dental professionals, we understand that undergoing any type of surgery can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s why we have decided to provide you with personalized post-op instructions specifically tailored for full mouth reconstructions

Immediate Post-Operative Care

  1. Rest and Recovery: For the rest of the day following your full mouth reconstruction, prioritize rest. Avoid strenuous activities to minimize swelling and discomfort.
  2. Managing Discomfort: Some level of discomfort is normal. Follow the prescribed pain management regimen for faster recovery.  
  3. Dietary Considerations: In the beginning, you should start with a diet consisting of soft foods, and then gradually return to your regular diet as you feel comfortable doing so. Steer clear of goods that are either extremely hot or extremely cold.
  4. Oral Hygiene: Gently rinse your mouth with warm saltwater several times a day to maintain cleanliness. Follow our instructions regarding brushing and flossing.

Understanding the Healing Process

  1. Initial Healing: Expect some swelling and discomfort in the days following the procedure. This is a natural part of the healing process.
  2. Swelling Management: Apply ice packs to the cheeks for 15-minute intervals to minimize swelling. Elevate your head while resting to further reduce swelling.
  3. Temporary Restorations: If your full mouth reconstruction includes temporary restorations, handle them with care and follow any specific instructions provided.

Follow-Up Appointments and Permanent Restorations

  1. Scheduled Visits: Ensure you attend all follow-up appointments with us as scheduled. These appointments are essential for monitoring your progress.
  2. Permanent Restorations: If temporary restorations were used, discuss the timing and placement of permanent restorations with us. 

Long-Term Care and Maintenance

  1. Comprehensive Oral Hygiene: Maintain a meticulous oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and using recommended oral care products. Pay special attention to cleaning around restorations.
  2. Routine Dental Check-Ups: Continue with regular dental check-ups and cleanings as recommended by our dentist to ensure the health of your restorations and overall oral health.
  3. Dietary Choices: Be mindful of your diet to avoid damaging your new restorations. Avoid hard, sticky, or extremely crunchy foods that may put stress on the restorations.
  4. Protection During Sleep: If you grind your teeth at night, consider using a night guard to protect your restorations and natural teeth.

Common Post-Reconstruction Concerns

  1. Discomfort: Some discomfort and sensitivity are expected during the initial healing phase. This should gradually subside as you heal.
  2. Swelling: Swelling should improve over the first few days. If it worsens or persists, contact our clinic.
  3. Oral Hygiene Practices: Follow our instructions carefully regarding oral hygiene. Proper care is crucial for the longevity of your restorations.

If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, persistent swelling, or any other urgent concerns, contact Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry immediately. We are here to provide prompt assistance and support during your recovery.

Take the First Step Toward a Restored Smile with Our Full Mouth Reconstructions

Your commitment to these post-operative instructions is vital for a successful recovery following your full mouth reconstruction. At Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are dedicated to your health, comfort, and satisfaction throughout this transformative journey. Each patient’s experience is unique, and we encourage open communication regarding any questions or concerns you may have.