Fluoride Treatments in Duncan, SC

Unlock Your Child’s Best Self: Make Fluoride Treatments Part of Their Dental Regimen


When it comes to overall dental health, one of the best things parents can do is make sure their children receive proper pediatric fluoride treatments. Not only does supervised and professional fluoride application help prevent cavities, but it also helps strengthen the enamel on developing teeth.

While most foods contain some natural levels of fluoride, a clinical appointment may be required if your child is identified as having an increased risk for tooth decay or other dental issues.

Getting fluoride treatments for your teeth is an easy and effective way to keep them safe from decay. Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry offers the highest quality of fluoride treatments, using advanced technology to ensure optimal results. Our experienced dentists can customize your treatment plan based on your needs, considering any existing dental conditions or concerns.

With our top-notch fluoride treatments, you can rest assured that your teeth will be in great shape for years.We totally get how crucial it is to prevent dental issues, and we’re here to support our patients in keeping their smiles healthy. Our fluoride treatments provide extra protection against cavities and tooth decay, making them an ideal choice for those looking to preserve their oral health.

How Often Should I Get a Fluoride Dental Treatment?

The frequency of fluoride dental treatments can vary depending on individual oral health factors and professional recommendations.

However, here are some general guidelines regarding the frequency of fluoride treatments:


Children often benefit from more frequent fluoride treatments due to their higher risk of tooth decay. Give your child’s teeth the extra protection they deserve with fluoride treatments every six months during their regular dental check-ups. These treatments can help strengthen their developing teeth and protect against cavities.

Adolescents and Adults

Fluoride treatments every six to twelve months during dental visits are typically sufficient for adolescents and adults with a low to moderate risk of tooth decay. However, individuals with a higher risk of cavities, such as those with a history of tooth decay or certain medical conditions, may benefit from more frequent fluoride treatments. Our expert dentist will assess your oral health and gear you up with personalized recommendations.

Special Cases

Some individuals may have specific dental conditions requiring more frequent fluoride treatments. For example:

  • Individuals with orthodontic appliances (braces) may be advised to receive fluoride treatments every three to six months due to the increased risk of plaque buildup and tooth decay associated with braces.
  • Individuals with a history of radiation therapy or those experiencing dry mouth (xerostomia) may require more frequent fluoride treatments to counteract the effects of reduced saliva flow.

Regular dental check-ups and consultations with your dentist are crucial in determining the most appropriate frequency of fluoride treatments for you.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including proper brushing and flossing techniques, fluoride toothpaste, and a balanced diet low in sugary foods and drinks, can contribute to cavity prevention and overall oral health.

Remember to consult with your dentist to assess your specific oral health needs and receive personalized recommendations regarding the frequency of fluoride dental treatments.

Fluoride treatments every six to twelve months during dental visits are typically sufficient for adolescents and adults with a low to moderate risk of tooth decay.

Dental Bridges Duncan SC

What Are Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride treatments can help to prevent tooth decay and cavities. Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally in most foods and water sources, as well as in some forms of toothpaste and mouth rinses. 

During a fluoride treatment, your dentist will apply professionally-applied concentrated fluoride dire