An oral hygiene cleaning may also be called a scaling or dental hygiene cleaning. A dental hygienist usually cleans; the dentist does it less frequently. The goal of a dental cleaning is to remove soft deposits from the tooth’s surface. Plaque can also refer to soft deposits. In the mouth, plaque that is not eliminated hardens into calculus or tartar. Using various dental equipment, cleaning aims to eliminate all soft and hard deposits. In addition, a dental cleaning lowers the possibility of cavities or tooth rot. Discomfort is uncommon to have teeth cleaning sensitivity, yet some individuals may experience it following a cleaning.



Patients with pre-existing tooth sensitivity typically report sensitivity during tooth cleaning. Patients with sensitive teeth who have specific dental issues after cleaning are impacted. Patients with dental recession probably have sensitive teeth when eating or drinking cold things. Dental recession is when the gums don’t adequately protect the tooth. The gums typically encircle one-third of the tooth. Recession, on the other hand, causes the gums to pull back from the teeth. One part of the mouth may experience gum recession, or there may be several.


Dental abrasion of the teeth and gums is another cause of sensitive teeth. Aggressive brushing or using a toothbrush with firm bristles might cause abrasion. The gums and teeth are damaged by vigorous brushing. When the gums are unhealthy, they recede, exposing the tooth root and increasing discomfort.


After a dental cleaning, patients with severe enamel damage from acidic wear or erosion might also feel sensitive.



Patients with sensitive teeth frequently use toothpaste to lessen the effects of sensitivity. One common way toothpaste functions are to inhibit the tubules that convey the signal to the tooth’s nerve. The toothpaste gradually forms a wall to stop the tubules as you brush your teeth. The toothpaste wall and dental plaque and tartar buildup are removed during cleaning. Patients might consequently feel momentarily sensitive teeth.



A few steps can be taken to avoid or lessen tooth cleaning sensitivity:

  1. Let your dentist know if you have sensitive teeth so they can adjust their cleaning technique.
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing your teeth.
  3. Avoid acidic foods and drinks. Acidic foods and beverages can cause the enamel to wear down, making your teeth more sensitive.
  4. Use toothpaste for sharp teeth.

Many different brands of toothpaste on the market claim to help with sensitivity. Some contain fluoride, which can also help reduce sensitivity.



If you experience tooth sensitivity after cleaning, you can do a few things to reduce the discomfort:

  1. Use sensitive toothpaste. Many different brands of toothpaste on the market claim to help with sensitivity. Some contain fluoride, which can also help reduce sensitivity.
  2. Avoid acidic foods and drinks. Acidic foods and beverages can cause the enamel to wear down, making your teeth more sensitive.
  3. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing your teeth.
  4. See your dentist for an evaluation.

They may be able to recommend a different toothpaste or suggest a different cleaning technique.


Tooth sensitivity following cleaning is common and usually nothing to worry about. However, if the pain is severe or lasts more than a few days, see your dentist for an evaluation. They can determine the cause of the sensitivity and recommend treatment.


Additional Tips

Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has some additional tips for patients with sensitive teeth:

At Night, Wear a Mouthguard.

Sometimes teeth grinding during the night might lead to sensitive teeth. We refer to this as bruxism. If this is a concern for you, your dentist can create a bespoke mouth guard to wear while you sleep using molds of your teeth. This guard shields teeth from pressure and protects them from potential overnight tooth injury.


Make a mouthwash with salt water.

Making a mouthwash with salt and water will instantly lessen tooth sensitivity. Salt water balances the mouth’s pH level, creating an alkaline environment that prevents bacterial growth. In the process, plaque is also diminished. Combine two teaspoons of salt with a cup of warm water to create a saltwater rinse. Until sensitivity improves, use this rinse in the morning and at night.


Swishing with Coconut Oil for Oil Pulling

Coconut oil can assist if a potential bacterial overgrowth causes sensitive teeth. Oil pulling is the practice of swishing liquified coconut oil around in your mouth. For many years, this therapy has been utilized to promote dental health. In addition to removing bacteria and toxins from the gum surface, coconut oil also dissolves dental plaque and prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth. This encourages stronger teeth and gums, which in turn lessens dental sensitivity. Your teeth may also become brighter and whiter with time. Just one tablespoon of heated coconut oil is needed. This is given a 20-second swirling inside the mouth before being spit out. After this stage, rinse with warm water and


Dental Coatings and Varnishes that Reduce Sensitivity

To treat sensitive teeth, a dentist can use a variety of varnishes and other coatings. Tooth sensitivity can be decreased with the aid of fluoride varnish. Fluoride plugs in microscopic defects in dental enamel that could expose teeth to irritation and changes in temperature. Additional bonding substances and plastic sealing coatings may be used to reinforce enamel and dentin. The bone tissue under the enamel is called dentin. Inquire with your dentist about coating choices for lessening tooth sensitivity.


Pain Relief With Clove

Both cloves and clove oil are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and germicidal. This implies that they can lessen discomfort, bacterial overgrowth, and inflammation. In addition, clove can have a numbing effect that lessens tooth sensitivity when administered as an extract swished around in the mouth. Clove oil might further increase its analgesic effects when used with orange essential oil. Because they are strong, these essential oils should always be used in tiny amounts in another carrier, like coconut or avocado oil.


Stay away from bland foods and beverages.

Some foods and beverages might aggravate sensitive teeth. To lessen sharp teeth, these should be ingested in moderation or avoided altogether. Coffee, citrus, pickles, sodas, and other acidic foods and beverages can make teeth more sensitive. If eating presents a challenge for your sharp teeth, you might want to think about minimizing or eliminating certain foods. Also, it’s advisable to avoid really hot or freezing foods and beverages because they can hurt your teeth.


Apply garlic

Garlic has beneficial substances that aid in maintaining good dental health, despite the possibility that using it would result in a strong breath. The beneficial allicin is one of these substances that is present in garlic in large quantities. An antibacterial and analgesic substance is allicin. Allicin is a fantastic natural cure for sensitive teeth since it lowers bacteria and relieves discomfort. A paste can be created by blending a garlic clove with a few drops of water and a half teaspoon of salt, or garlic can be put directly to the affected teeth in slices. The sensitive area is directly covered with this paste. Ten minutes should pass with the paste and garlic on the teeth. This can be done twice a day for as long as you choose.

Call us now!

If you are dealing with sensitive teeth after your dental cleaning or want to have your dental cleaning, Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry is here for you. Contact us today today to schedule an appointment. We will work with you to find the best solution for your sensitive teeth and get you on the road to recovery as soon as possible!