FACT: your mouth is full is thousands of bacteria that like to hang out on your teeth and eat whatever food you’re having. Gross, right? Good thing you can maintain healthy teeth and gums by brushing, flossing, and regular dental cleanings.

Benefits of Regular Teeth Cleanings and How It Can Improve Your Oral Health

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visiting a dentist twice a year to avoid bacteria buildup and prevent dental problems, like decay and gum disease. Getting regular checkups every six months is key for keeping your teeth healthy!

Going to the dentist for an exam allows them to check if your teeth and gums are healthy. Regular cleanings help keep plaque and tartar at bay. They leave your mouth feeling refreshed and sparkling clean! Dental plaque and tartar harbor bacteria, that’s why flossing and brushing can help get rid of them. As a result, large quantities of bacteria can be eliminated.

As an added bonus, cleanings can remove small bits of food stuck between teeth, making it easier to eat. A good oral hygiene program also removes plaque and tartar buildup that you might not be able to see with your naked eye!

Three Types of Professional Teeth Cleanings and What Each Treatment Entails

Professional teeth cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing dental issues.

There are three types of professional teeth cleanings available, each providing a different level of care depending on the condition of your teeth. These treatments include prophylaxis, scaling and root planing, and deep cleaning.

Familiarizing yourself with the different treatments can help you make a well-thought-out decision about which one is best suited for your needs.


Prophylaxis originally means “to prevent a disease”. So with prophylaxis dental cleaning, the goal is to make sure your teeth stay free of bacteria and help prevent any issue like tooth decay or gum disease down the line. This procedure must be executed every six months for best results. 



During this treatment your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth, looking for signs of plaque or tartar buildup. They may also utilize a device such as an ultrasonic scaler to remove excess plaque and tartar on your teeth.

Scaling and Root Planing

Are you looking for something that deeply cleans the teeth? You might want to try scaling and root planing. These two procedures are also known as deep cleanings to treat periodontitis and gingivitis.

Scaling removes tartar and plaque from the surfaces of teeth by mechanical means such as a scaler manually or with an ultrasonic scaler. Root planing is a method of gently removing buildup on the root surface of a tooth using a tiny brush and special solution


Scaling and Root Planing

To have good dental hygiene, it’s important to have regular cleanings which involve scaling and root planing. This will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. This type of deep cleaning helps remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria that can build up over time, leading to gum disease and other problems. Regular cleanings help keep your mouth healthy and can even save you money in the long run.


Periodontal cleaning is a specialized dental procedure that aims to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, gums, and other areas of the mouth. This gentle yet effective cleaning method helps prevent gum disease and can improve the overall health of your teeth. With regular periodontal cleanings, you can maintain a healthy smile for years to come.


Stop living with the irritation and discomfort of gum disease. Get periodontal cleaning from your dentist today, and enjoy the benefits of healthier, happier gums! Feel free to visit your dentist today to know which one best suits your needs.

Cleaning and Deep Cleaning: What’s the Difference?

deep cleaning


When we say dental cleaning, it’s as simple as doing everyday cleaning activities like brushing and flossing. To really keep your teeth healthy, you should also see your dentist for scale and polish. Taking an hour out of your day to do this can make a huge difference in preventing periodontal disease.

Deep Cleaning

Meanwhile, deep dental cleaning may involve procedures like root planning. To help your gums stay attached, dentists usually do a thorough scaling procedure first. It allows your gums to stick to the roots.

Deep cleaning is a great option if you’ve been diagnosed with periodontal disease. It usually doesn’t take too long – anywhere from 1-2 hours – depending on how much tartar has built up in the area.

When to Get a Professional Teeth Cleaning & Who Should Perform It?

A professional teeth cleaning is a valuable way to keep your smile healthy and bright. It’s important to know when you should schedule an appointment and who should perform the cleaning.

With the help of a qualified oral health professional, you can ensure that your teeth are free from plaque buildup, tartar deposits, and other debris that can lead to cavities or gum disease.

Many dentists suggest that you visit every 6 months for a teeth cleaning. This way, your dentist can check out your teeth and let you know if there’s anything that needs to be taken care of, such as getting a cavity filled or dealing with gingivitis.

The American Dentist Association (ADA) also stresses the importance of routine dental checkups – it’s recommended to visit your dentist at least every 6 months. Of course, if you’re more prone to gum disease, you may need to go more often for extra care.

Make an Informed Decision Based on Your Unique Needs

Keep your teeth and gums healthy with periodontal cleaning. Our experienced dental hygienists at Keels Family & Cosmetic Dentistry are dedicated to providing the highest standards of patient care while providing thorough cleanings that help improve your oral health.

Everyone wants to have a healthy and beautiful smile, and it all starts with professional dental cleaning. With the help of a professional dental team, you can make an informed decision based on your unique needs and get the best results for your oral health.

Call us today to schedule an appointment for professional dental cleaning and start smiling confidently again!